The Hollywood Laser facial receives its name as the facial treatment many celebrities have just prior to a red-carpet event. Originally made popular by stars like Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston and Kim Kardashian to give the skin an instant amazing glow with no downtime.
It blasts away dead skin, blackheads, and reveals rejuvenated skin in 5-7 days.
Targets the deep layers of the skin to stimulate collagen production, promoting visible skin glow even after first session. With regular treatment, you will notice reduction in fine lines & soft wrinkles.
The laser light & heat penetrates deep, which aids in killing bacteria responsible for acne, and also also helps to shrink sebaceous glands, resulting in less oil production.
Avoid exposure to the sun for at least one week.
Use sunscreen with at least SPF 50.
Avoid heat for 24hrs - gym, running, exercise. Avoid washing face with Hot water. Hot water on face in shower should be also avoided.
Avoid using ‘active’ (including AHA'S exfoliant and vitamin A), Retinol, or facial wash with any acids, or bleaching ingredients in it for at least 3 days. Use very basic cleanser, moisturizer and Sunscreen (no active ingredients for at least 4 days).
A skin treatment that is applied to the skin to exfoliate and eventually peel off. It reduces the appearance of wrinkles, scarring, sun damage and acne. May help the skin appear firmer and radiant looking.
Suitable for all skin types especially those with sensitive and acne-prone skin, uneven skin tone, promote skin glow and facial rejuvenation. A light peel is an aesthetic treatment that improves the appearance of the skin by gently stripping away dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. A facial peel can also utilize different medical-grade components to correct specific issues such as sun damage or age spots. A series can help lighten pigmentation and treat acne.
Radio Frequency uses advanced technology to safely heat the collagen in the skin (dermis). Once sufficient energy is delivered to the target area, the collagen will contract and an immediate change in skin appearance is noticed. This then results in younger, smoother looking skin.
For maximum results a course of Radio Frequency is recommended.
The most advanced tattoo removal technology compared to traditional lasers.
Works by destroying the hair bulb where hair grows from. A course of treatment is essential to see optimal results.
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